Thursday, July 16, 2015

3D Analyzer Settings for Some Games

 (3D Analyzer v 2.34 For San Andreas)
(3D Analyzer v 2.34 For Other Games)
Settings For Some Games:
First of all download 3d Analyzer v2.34 if you want to run GTA San Andreas using 3d Analyzer. v2.36 is the latest version but due to some bugs in that GTA San Andreas won’t run on v2.36 so you need to download 3d Analyzer v2.34 to run GTA San Andreas .
Download 3D Analyzer v 2.34
After downloading run 3d Analyzer and then select the exe of the game and then check the following boxes:-

1. Under Performance

Check the box :-  force SW TnL

2. Under Hardware Limits:

Check all the five boxes under Hardware limits

3. Under Pixel and Vertex Shader

check the following two boxes

force max. pixel shader version 1.4
force high precision pixel shader
4. Put Vendor ID: 4098 and Device ID: 20040

3d Analyzer settings for GTA San Andreas

5. Now click on Run and enjoy the game.

2. FIFA 09:
For all other games excluding GTA San Andreas you can use 3d Analyzer v2.36.

1. Under Performance

Check the box saying:-  force SW TnL

2. Under Hardware Limits

check the box:- Emulate HW TnL caps

3. Under Pixel and Vertex Shader

check the following boxes:-

skip pixel shader version 2.0
force low precision pixel shader
4. Put Vendor ID:- 4098 and Device ID: 20040

3d Analyzer settings for FIFA 09

5. Run the game and enjoy.

Use 3d Analyzer v 2.36
1.Under Performance
check :-
- force SW TnL
- disable lighting

2. Under Hardware Limits
Check the following boxes:
- emulate pixel shader caps
- emulate bump map caps
- emulate max. sim. textures
3. Pixel and Vertex shader
leave everything as it is
4. Device ID and Vendor ID:- leave both as it is.
3d Analyzer settings for Prototype

5. Run the game and enjoy.


Use 3d Analyzer v 2.36

1. Under Performance leave everything as it is.

2. Under Hardware leave everything as it is.

3. Under pixel and vertex shader

check the following boxes:-
- force max pixel shader version 1.1
- skip pixel shader version 1.1
- skip pixel shader version 1.4

4. On the right hand side under Fragment and Vertex Programs

check the box:- save programs to file shaders.out

5. Device ID and Vendor ID: leave everything as it is.

3d Analyzer settings for Transformers

6. Run the game and enjoy.

Here are the four settings for different games try any of them for the games you like.So stay tune for more information
If you face any problems in any of the steps above then do comment and let me know your problems and queries. 


Author & Editor

My Name is Syed Safwan Abbas and I am the Web Designer and love to play with codes and Have Blogging Skills of 5 Years.I have a hobby that I love to solve others Problems that's why I build this site to Solve your Problems.


  1. prototype 1 is not opening when i click on it it shows that protoype has stopped working and then quits
    i have used 3d analyzer but it is of no use please help me out

